Tuesday 21 September 2010

The Nouveau Cool

(warning: i know many will be offended by this, but I never denied that I was an elitist, its one of my few cherished defects..)

Ever heard of the 'Nouveau Cool"?

No you didnt, cause i ve just invented it!
let me familiarize you a bit with my new poignant term..
(another warning: if you are not one of those lame Egyptians living in the margins of the Socialite mishaps, this article will be total mumbo jumbo to you..)

When you walk into a party, take a good look around you, all of these kids are the Nouveau Cool.. The Nouveau Cool are the kids (yes anyone below 25 is a kid to me!!) that are everywhere now. They have invented their own fashion, perfected their new found music taste, have their very own lingo and body language, and move around in herds.
but the sad thing is.. there is nothing 'inventive' about any of the above, the fashion is a scary Paris Hilton-Gaga-Cyrus mix. The music taste doesn't go beyond Guetta and the Black Eyed Peas. And as for the body language: oh well, how many movements do you need to communicate 'tense/slut/small wee wee'
Now comes the meaty part: they move around in herds.. Our dear Nouveau Cool are a bunch of very good friends who suddenly became very good friends because they share the same desire: They WANT to be cool..they want to be everywhere, to go to every single party, to take pictures of themselves in these parties, and post these eye stinging pictures on FaceBook to prove s0mething. That they are cool, they are in, they are happening..etc..
They are also people that suddenly popped up, you ve never heard of them before and suddenly they are EVERYWHERE. Or if you have heard of them before, most of them are that shy guy or that weird smelling girl you used to know but couldn't remember their name.

It is a well known fact that the Egyptian society is dying, if you compare our lifestyle 15 years ago to today, you will understand what I mean: the Mahmoodaky parties are over, all the 3azayem now take place only during sahel season, the 3azza now is held in a mosque for 3 hours instead of the 3 day 3azza, and many people now would rather create a Blackberry group to catch up rather than meet up over coffee. No one even goes to coffee shops anymore, people meet up for a drink, a movie, or a Playstation.
So, we cant really blame the Nouveau Cool for leaping into the social scene and spreading like fungus, the lack of a society made the Nouveau Cool believe that they are the cream of the society: they are the crowd of Tamarai and the reason why Cairo Jazz is suddenly happening again.
I open my Facebook everyday and i see new albums: usually of the same girl, in the same posture in 150 pictures. Or of the same guy of the same pause with 150 girls on each arm. when i get through the pictures, I see the status updates: "xxx is partying it up in Sokhna (since when is sokhna a party scene?)" or "xxx is so getting ready to jet to France (who gives a shit)"..

The Nouveau Cool for me are the biggest indicator that this society is over, the attitudes are getting uglier, the outings are becoming scarier, and me... well.. older :)
Yes, i am very aware that i DO sound like a has been who is entering her 30's, but I kid you not, back in the days, we ALL knew each other cause either we were related or family friends, life was much simpler, you go out once every week, and then you go home, watch Falcon Crest (ok.. The Bold and the Beautiful in my case) and go to sleep.

oh well... i am off to bed.. where is my night anti wrinkle cream?


  1. Well said.. although i don't think we're getting older.. think we're just the genuine cool generation :)

  2. haha I like this!
    But weren't most of us like that when we were younger? (myself not included as i played football and computer games...come to think of it i still do that) My point is a lot of us did these things, we only didn't have the tools to show the world...no digital cams or facebook!

    But yeah i do get weirded out by the "Noveu Cool"...great term by the way!
    I'll be following this!

  3. hehehe, what happened last night ya divina???

  4. me like.
    xxx, what are we partying tonight? Dont forget to bring ur camera.xx

  5. I'm a kid according to you since I'm 22.. however, I dont fit in this group of people you described oh so well!! simply because I dont think I qualify as a ''spcialite''.. thankfully so! I stumble upon the pictures and blogs and its really funny/entertaining to watch them all make major fools out of themselves! =D

    Loved your post!

  6. i like and i agree about every word you write here ....

  7. Yonsor deenak ya ostaz nfeesa!!!

    You forgot about them SMSing Yala7wy with their never-to-come-true sexual fantasies!

  8. Nevine u r hilarious!!! i cant stop laughing but unfortunately its so true what ur saying...
    Bas wenabi night anti wrinkle cream eh bas!?!! enta lesa soghayar ya mozz enta!!:)) love u xxx

  9. watever man... leave them kids alone. Ba3dein it's "same pose" not "same pause"... stop hating :S

  10. Arabesque on a Monday night.

    Hotspot for posing, prancing prats and no-brainers...(Mostly AUC freshmen/women)The "Nouveau Cool" or totally un-cool as I saw it. Agree with the scary Paris Hilton-Gaga-Cyrus description. Losers.

  11. Well written....however..as you just did to me..........one is, every now and then, surprised by a Nouveau Cool soul that actualy exhibits depth and substance........

    Tarek Nassar

  12. "Fungus'' almost as good as ''Nouveau Cool''
    Hit it on the Nail Vee! Barvo :)))

  13. Hehe.. Bear in mind that the wannabes, or the nouveau cool are the ones that have posted the negative comments up there.. :)

  14. peace and love everybody.. we all need to stop every once in a while, laugh at the world and ourselves in the process..

    Glad you all enjoyed this, and dont forget to eat enough zabady before going to sleep :)

  15. AMEN sistar.... like seriously, Who let the dogs out

  16. I A.G.R.E.E with every word! AMEN ! well said ! i thought it's just me or that i was growing old!
