Thursday 19 August 2010


I finally saw Persona, you see i wanted to write about it but its very hard to write about this movie milestone when i am sitting in our living room next to my mother who is watching Zohra w azwaggha el Khamssah...
but since this blog is called Zabady so Persona is my visual digestive after mosalsal Zohra...
" There are great movies, and then there is Persona", this line is borrowed from a critic reviewing Clockwork Orange, and I used to second him, till I saw Persona...
Persona is about an actress (Liv Ullman) who suddenly becomes mute during one of her performances, for absolutely no logical reason. They move her to a beach house with a nurse, and this is where the movie begins. Both of them are stuck in the middle of nowhere, and only one of them does the talking, things go from tense to weird and within an hour, I become:
1- disturbed beyond repair
2- inspired for the upcoming 6 months and..
3- totally and utterly jealous of Ingmar Bergman (the director).
why cant we have movies like this? furthermore, why cant i write something like this script? and even if i did it.. who would buy it? El Sobky?  and even if they bought it, what would become of it? They would probably call it "Maw3ed ma3 Bersona"
This is not just a local problem, it is a very international one, the only difference is that in the movie mogul lands like USA and Europe, they are very much aware of its existence. Thats why you have increasingly popular festivals like Tribeca. There are people there that are sick of Hilary Duff's films being number 1 for weeks while the dark horses such as Che get a limited release.
oh well, thats all i have to write about Persona for now, i might write some more after i get off the couch, sit in a quiet area (with no Zohra) and eat some Zabady.

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